Our Service Learning group for Kiva consists of four members, in order to be efficient we have divided all the tasks required to be successful among ourselves.
Nikki Parmar: My job is to research the story of Kiva, how it was started, why it was developed and learn more about the individual people who started Kiva.
Wesley Jiang: My job is to research the process of how to make a loan. This includes how to set up an account on Kiva, join groups on Kiva, and overall be able to navigate around www.kiva.org
Nellie Hamadani: My job is to research the majority of the terms regarding the concept of microfinance/microloans. Also, I am in charge of knowing how to explain how the field agents involved with Kiva work, how the loans are processed.
Aryan Assar: My job is to research how Kiva works overall, why it is important, how it has made an impact, and what it provides for people in developing countries.
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